An Internet Adventure!
Since I have nothing in particular that I should be doing or want to do at midnight I usually browse the interwebs until I'm tired or find something more amusing to occupy myself with. Some of my friends have gotten a giggle out of some of these late night "adventures" and learned a thing or two along the way. So since it's twelve in the morning and once again I find myself without entertainment you're welcome to go on an adventure with me through the scary portals of the interwebs.
Topics for this particular adventure:
- Feminism
- Vagina Dentata
- Subjugation of Women
- The Gorean way of Living
I read an article about Feminism which lead me to an article about misogyny which lead to more articles that were more or less about the subjugation of women. One of those articles lead me to a page all about "Vagina Dentata" which at first just made me giggle and think about Pillow Pants, but after reading a few articles became interesting. One of those lead me to some articles we'll ignore, but eventually I stumbled upon the history of the "Goreans." After looking up a ton of stuff on these people and generalising them with an amped up version of your average kink I decided I was done for the night. In the next few paragraphs I'll explain the basics of each of these things as well as giving some background history, my opinion, and a link or two. I literally mean only a little of each of those things. So if you have time to waste and would like to rot your brain with some knowledge you may never use...read away! :D
Feminism is literally defined by http://www.dictionary.com/ as:
- A doctrine that advocates equal rights for women.
- An organized movement for the attainment of such rights for women.
However "Feminism" is actually pretty complicated. There are many different movements and ideologies which span the entire globe not just the united states. I won't go into all that because it would take up an entire day if not more to read and explain all of it. If you're interested in learning more than my little tidbits below then you're welcome to follow the links listed below that. For now you just get to read this though.
Basically women got tired of being treated like pets and baby making machines. Making sammiches, birthing and raising children, and doing the dishes wasn't cutting it anymore. They simply did not want to "get back in the kitchen" and who can blame them! Being confined to domestic duties essentially made a lot of women feel useless and unappreciated. Since they didn't have television, gaming consols, and the internet they were reeeally bored.
The word "Feminism" was introduced in 1851, but originally it simply meant to be in a state of being feminine. It wasn't until 1872 that it was first used in France and The Netherlands to represent advocacy of female rights. Of course it was in French which is "FĂ©minisme," but it means the same thing. It found it's way to Britain in 1890 where it was first introduced to the English language and dubbed dangerous. Then found its way across the sea to the USA in 1910.
Most kids learn about The Seneca Falls Convention of 1848, sometimes they get some info on The Syracuse Convention of 1852, and the primary focus is generally women gaining the right to vote in July 1920. What teachers tend to neglect in their information is that Feminism did not start in the USA and it didn't end with us either. Small strides were made by others like the philosopher Plato in his Socratic dialogue entitled "The Republic" (http://classics.mit.edu/Plato/republic.6.v.html).
"Are dogs divided into hes and shes, or do they both share equally in hunting and in keeping watch and in the other duties of dogs? Or do we entrust to the males the entire and exclusive care of the flocks while we leave the females at home under the idea that the bearing and suckling of their puppies is labour enough for them?"
The Republic states that women in Plato's ideal state should work alongside men, receive equal education and share equally in all aspects of the state. The sole exception was that women were to work in capacities which did not require as much physical strength.
Many other people of both genders stood for the equality of women long before "Feminism" was used to define it. Protofeminism is usually the word used to define the period prior to the 20th century. Apparently the precise usage is widely disputed.
Not the best links, but they'll lead you to better ones if you're interested.
anymore and we aren't just dolls for them to play with.

Many psychologists claim that the myths sprang up from man's simple fear of the "mysteries" of women. Also most of the sites and reference material I've viewed say that it was used to discourage rape and sex without commitment in certain parts of the world.
According to most of my sources the stories tend to end with the woman marrying the man that detoothed her and as such made her "Safe." The opinion of the "Toothed Vagina" myths to psychologists and the general public can be summed up by the following statement:
"The classic symbol of men's fear of sex, expressing the unconscious belief that a woman may eat or castrate her partner during intercourse."

I decided to exclude some of the more graphic content and website links.
However! I'm sure that if you're really interested in figuring out more details the internet will eventually lead you in the right direction. However I will not be linking that stuff simply because I'm trying to be as unoffensive as possible. Some of the myths are pretty funny though so I suggest checking them out if you aren't freaked out by this topic. I know someone that likes to pretend it doesn't exist.
Of course these two topics somehow lead to others about the subjugation of women and I was going to go into that topic myself when I decided against it. Simply put I don't feel that I need to point out that we're objectified by most men on a daily basis either unintentionally or just because they're assholes. However I find it hard to blame men for it anymore. So many women are making themselves dependant upon their men, intentionally dumbing themselves down, and just generally whoring around that there would be no logical reason to blame men for seeing us as toys or things that need protecting. Granted the literally meaning of subjugation is "to bring under complete control or subjection; conquer; master; to make submissive or subservient; enslave," but that is rarely the case anymore. Most men aren't looking to treat us like playthings, but too many of us egg that kind of treatment on by acting like idiots. As for men who are simply jerks and treat their women like slaves simply put in my own words, "You're an asshole. Please go die now. Preferably painfully and slow. Thanks." That's all I have to say about that.
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Below is an quote from one of these books that basically defines their men. If this doesn't automatically call to mind a picture of some muscled barbarian man from the cover of a sleazy old romance novel then I don't know what else could.
"They are different men. They are not Earthling. They are Goreans. They are strong, they are hard, and they will conquer you. For a man of Earth, you might never be a woman. For a man of Gor, I assure you, my dear, sooner or later you will be." - Tribesmen of Gor (Page 12)

The women are not to question their masters. They are not to demand loyalty. They are not, as I see it, to act in any human fashion, but rather to live as their master sees fit and do as they're told at all times and without question.
"This harsh treatment, incidentally, when she is thought to deserve it, may even be inflicted on a free companion, in spite of the fact that she is free and usually much loved. According to the Gorean way of looking at things a taste of the slave ring is thought to be occasionally beneficial to all woman, even the exalted free woman. Thus when she has been irritable or otherwise troublesome even a Free Companion may find herself at the foot of the couch looking forward to a pleasant night on the stones, stripped, with neither mat nor blanket, chained to the slave ring precisely as though she were a lowly slave girl. It is the Gorean way of reminding her, should she need to be reminded, that she, too, is a woman, and thus to be dominated, to be subject to men. Should she be tempted to forget this basic fact of Gorean life the slave ring set in the bottom of each Gorean couch is there to refresh her memory. Gor is a mans world." Priest Kings of Gor (Page 67)

I think the paragraph below which is a one of the many building blocks of the Gorean lifestyle clearly states this fact. Even though they totally missed the FACT that not all women are attracted to males.
"Goreans, in their simplistic fashion, often contend, categorically, that man is naturally free and woman is naturally slave, but even for them the issues are far more complex than these simple formulations would suggest. For example, there is no higher person, nor one more respected, than the Gorean Free Woman. Goreans do believe, however, that every woman has a natural master or set of masters, with respect to whom she could not help but be a complete and passionate slave girl. These men occur in her dreams and fantasies. She lives in terror that she might meet one in real life." Hunters of Gor (Page 311)
My personal opinion which I allowed to permeate this entire section is that I'd kill myself before kneeling at any mans feet and announcing my lifelong devotion to his whims, but apparently there is a large group of Goreans whose women willingly devote their lives to their masters, and only his, desires. I can't quite grasp that concept. I'm not opposed to being girly and sweet to your man, but getting on your knees whenever he demands it is taking it a bit too far. Unless you look like King Leonidas and can kick ass like him I won't be bowing to you anytime soon.
He sort of proved that you don't have to be an overbearing douche to be strong. What happened to loving and respecting your woman? I honestly think that these men are simply afraid of what it takes to have an honest relationship. Only cowards need to dominate others to feel worthy. I'm not saying that kinks are bad, but to live your life based entirely on one is a little much. Goreans boast honor above all else, but there is no honor in beating one of your many women into submission. Ah Leonidas...where have all the real men gone?
So mondays random post is going to be a short writing I did a while back. It's old and it sucks, but it is what it is and I have nothing else to post anyway. So here you go!
Five in the morning in a sparsely inhabited parking lot
Thursday, as unimportant a day as any other
Night has slowly faded into day
And I didn't notice
I'm alone.
Here in this worn out town
Growing old like everything else.
Vengeance Is Mine: A poem by Shel Silverstein
They were Raisin' hell all over Earth
When the noise got so damn loud
That it reached upto heaven and woke up God
Who was sleepin' on a king sized cloud.
He says, "How they expect a body to rest
When they raisin hell at three in the morn?
Damn, I'm gonna kill them all,
Teach 'em a lesson-
Hey, Gabriel, blow your horn."
Gabriel grins and fingers his valves.
He says, "Ooh, I'm gonna play some ****.
I been waitin' so long, I got so many songs
But the music has got to fit.
"So tell me, how you gonna do it, big G,
With fire or with Flood?
You gonna plague 'em with a pestilence,
Or, cover 'em over with mud?
"You gonna hit 'em with a thunderbolt?
Or maybe turn off the sun?
Or just reach down a big old thumb
And crush 'em, one by one?"
And God says, "Gabriel, y'know, now I see
Just why you stayed so small.
Why wreak my vengeance in just one way,
When I can wreak 'em all?
"So first I'm gonna hang 'em
And watch 'em squirm awhile
But I think I'll do it with neckties
So they can choke in style.
"Then while they're hangin', I'll come with some fire
And fill their lungs with smoke.
But I'll let 'em do it with cigarettes,
And if that don't mak 'em croak,
"There's poisons that I'll feed 'em
In their daily bread each day.
And they'll gulp the preservatives
and eat the dyes
And lick away the pesticide spray.
"Then I'll destroy their mortal souls
And like the serpents they're gonna crawl
for the puff of grass of a line of coke
Or a sip of Alcohol.
"And I'll bend their backs and break their minds
By givin' 'em prizes to chase
And they'll sweat and they'll be
Strainin' for that golden ring
And they'll die while runnin' the race.
"And the thought of bein' fat or old
Is gonna scare 'em right out of their wits.
And if there's any left-well, they'll
Munch each other Or blow each other to bits.
"Anyway, they've sown their poison seeds
And this is the crop they're gonna reap"
And Gabriel put away his horn
And god went back to sleep.
When the noise got so damn loud
That it reached upto heaven and woke up God
Who was sleepin' on a king sized cloud.
He says, "How they expect a body to rest
When they raisin hell at three in the morn?
Damn, I'm gonna kill them all,
Teach 'em a lesson-
Hey, Gabriel, blow your horn."
Gabriel grins and fingers his valves.
He says, "Ooh, I'm gonna play some ****.
I been waitin' so long, I got so many songs
But the music has got to fit.
"So tell me, how you gonna do it, big G,
With fire or with Flood?
You gonna plague 'em with a pestilence,
Or, cover 'em over with mud?
"You gonna hit 'em with a thunderbolt?
Or maybe turn off the sun?
Or just reach down a big old thumb
And crush 'em, one by one?"
And God says, "Gabriel, y'know, now I see
Just why you stayed so small.
Why wreak my vengeance in just one way,
When I can wreak 'em all?
"So first I'm gonna hang 'em
And watch 'em squirm awhile
But I think I'll do it with neckties
So they can choke in style.
"Then while they're hangin', I'll come with some fire
And fill their lungs with smoke.
But I'll let 'em do it with cigarettes,
And if that don't mak 'em croak,
"There's poisons that I'll feed 'em
In their daily bread each day.
And they'll gulp the preservatives
and eat the dyes
And lick away the pesticide spray.
"Then I'll destroy their mortal souls
And like the serpents they're gonna crawl
for the puff of grass of a line of coke
Or a sip of Alcohol.
"And I'll bend their backs and break their minds
By givin' 'em prizes to chase
And they'll sweat and they'll be
Strainin' for that golden ring
And they'll die while runnin' the race.
"And the thought of bein' fat or old
Is gonna scare 'em right out of their wits.
And if there's any left-well, they'll
Munch each other Or blow each other to bits.
"Anyway, they've sown their poison seeds
And this is the crop they're gonna reap"
And Gabriel put away his horn
And god went back to sleep.
Finally! A Basic Blogging Schedule!
SO! I've finally decided to set up a basic schedule for this blog that I will make an honest attempt at sticking to, but no promises. Most days that have specials and idol interviews will actually be random blog posting days. I'm willing to do requests, but if I don't get any or don't happen to have a special or interview for that week the post will just be something random. I'm definitely going to try to at least have a few specials. I have some premade posts ready to go for the first week of June, which starts on a wensday if you're wondering, that I hope everyone will enjoy. I'm fairly certain they haven't been read by too many of you, but for those of you who have read them...uh, read them again? T-T I promise to have new stuff the following week. :) In short this is basically me telling all of you that if you're interested or have been just dying to see some more activity on this blog it's on the way! Stick around, check back often, and hopefully leave me some feedback! Also my posts will start being color coded! I'll put a key at the bottom of this if anyone cares (I know absolutely none of you care lol). I'm just doing it to add some more color to the blog which has been this odd shade of purple/pink for a while now.
So that's how it's looking for week one. It's pretty boring and they're all previously used articles except for Mondays post, my poetry, and the random posts. I hope you guys enjoy it anyway. :P Now I have to go to bed before I die! >.<
- MONDAY: "Lundi avec moi." <---(Fancy French for no reason. :D)
- A simple post of me rambling about something inconsequential as usual that will include the schedule for the upcoming weeks blogs/articles/posts. Possibly a mini special now and then if I feel like it.
- TUESDAY: "Terrific Tuesdays!!!"
- This is where I get to have an insane amount of fun by doing an Internet Adventure post. An Internet Adventure post is where I pick a topic to learn about, find other relating topics through links and such, and then more tops that are relevant through those topics links. I give a brief review of, and my views on, the chosen topics. You'll probably learn something new, interesting, or fun during these. Depending on the topic you might be bored to tears though.
- WDAY: "Wild and Weird!"
- Every WDay I'll post an article about a specific animal that is most likely: obscure, nearing extinction, totally misunderstood, weird, or just plain awkward. It'll include pretty pictures, fun facts, and random tidbits of other interesting information. Also I will probably include links to other more detailed sites dedicated to the animal that's being featured.
- THURSDAY: "Thoughtful Thursday"
- DEFINITELY: By request I will be posting some of my crappy poetry and writings so that my friends will get off my back. (You know who you are! >.<)
- MOSTLY: Articles on how to build or create certain crafts.
- PROBABLY: Another spazzy and random entry.
- POSSIBLY: An article based solely around a historical figures awesome quote or something of that nature. I'm still thinking about this one. o_o
- FRIDAY: "Fun Facts Fridays"
- As the days title has implied these posts will be simple and full of interesting and fun facts about whatever I find amusing during the week.
- SATURDAY: "Savory Saturday"
- Simple posts of recipes or reviews of foods that you should, in my opinion, devour on a regular basis. I shall lovingly call these the "Nomnom Posts," simply because apparently I now need to give everything a corny name. :D
- SUNDAY: "The Sunday Special"
- This is where the all the big stuff happens!
- Specials
- Idol Interviews
- Rant of the Week
- If I don't happen to have one of these things ready for some reason then Sunday won't be too special. If I don't feel like blogging on my day off I may just skip it entirely, but that's only if I'm lacking a good article to post.
As for the specifics this is how the first week of June is looking blogwise:
- Monday
- I'm opening the first week with a brief update on my life, my current interests, and some random pictures I've taken recently of all kinds of things because, as you can see, I already have the schedule mapped out.
- Tuesday
- Internet Adventure One: Topics
- Feminism
- Vagina Dentata
- Subjugation of Women
- The Gorean way of Living
- WDay
- All about Frogs! <3
- Thursday
- Random crappy poem that my friend picked for me to post.
- A random entry that is most likely going to be about my extreme dislike of being forced to share my stuff. >.<
- Friday
- Fun Facts: Topic
- Odd and interesting foreign marriage customs.
- Saturday
- Recipe
- Persimmon Pudding
- Sunday
- Rant of the Week
- Fatal Frame 4
So that's how it's looking for week one. It's pretty boring and they're all previously used articles except for Mondays post, my poetry, and the random posts. I hope you guys enjoy it anyway. :P Now I have to go to bed before I die! >.<
Idol Interview: Beckii Cruel
So I've finally gotten my Beckii Cruel interview and short history finished up! I just posted it on Geek Wing for review, but I figured I could post it on here as well since it's my article. It seems like it may defeat the purpose, but I don't think it does really. I like helping my friend Sharky out and also being able to reach more people with these simple little reviews and such that I do. Anyway here's the overview and interview of and with Miss. Flint.
Since her rise to fame in Japan she has developed broader goals for herself and her career. In August of 2010 she introduced herself to the British public with the documentary “Beckii: Schoolgirl Superstar at 14” that aired on BBC Three. She has also been working with award winning songwriter and producer Tom Nichols, and hopes to gain even more widespread acknowledgement with the release of her newest song “You Can’t Kiss Me” which will be targeted towards nonjapanese fans. The CD’s release date is set for sometime in the spring of 2011. On the side she has also started a Youtube channel called “What a Cruel Day” with fellow youtuber Amy Day. They usually take feedback from their viewers and decide on which dare to do for their videos.
In all her two personal Youtube channels together have been viewed nearly 3,400,000 times, they have almost 62,000 subscribers, and her uploads have been viewed a total of 18,599,171 times as of May 7, 2011. Having spoken with and interviewed her about how she’s handling all of this attention and what her hopes are for the future I have to say that she is a very well rounded young woman. Even though she’s just now coming into her own I hope to see her become more talented and reach her dreams. A few months ago I hadn’t given Miss. Flint a chance, but I see now that she is very honest and driven for her age and I can only hope for the best for her.
Nuka: I would like to start off with having you tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do to inform of readers who may not know you very well.
Beckii: Well, I am Rebecca Flint, also known as Beckii Cruel. I’m from the Isle of Man, and a bit of an internet icon!
Nuka: Who or what inspired you to become a performer? How?
Beckii: I never aspired to be an idol, it’s such a farfetched career and I’m a well grounded person so I never dreamed I would be able to do what I do now! Right now though, as a dancer I really admire Kozue Aikawa, a Japanese Youtube star who dances like me!
Nuka: What keeps you motivated now that you’re so busy? Life must be quite hectic!
Beckii: I think my motivation comes from enjoying being busy. Right now I am in the middle of my final year exams at school, so I am not doing as much as I usually do. Hopefully once they’re over with, I can get back into the swing of things!
Beckii: I don’t really know yet. I love learning languages, and that is what I intend to do at university at present. I think I will make up my mind better in the next couple of years, but I’m not going to set myself on anything yet, I’m still only 15 and I have plenty of time to think about it yet!
Nuka: What are you most proud of having done so far? I know you’ve done so much, but what was most important to you?
Beckii: I think having a writer as big as Tom Nichols writing songs especially for me, and recording them in top London studios has been the biggest buzz, its amazing knowing such high level people have faith in me!
Nuka: If given the chance to is there anything you would want to do over or change?
Beckii: I think there are always little bits you would do differently but to be honest I am a forward looker rather than a backward looker. I learn from stuff to improve for the future, and I live my life with no regrets.
Nuka: What is your favorite part of your job?
Beckii: The travel is tiring but fun at the same time, but just going to great places like Tokyo and meeting great people is such a privilege, but I have to say, the life experiences are the best part, and every time I think ‘How many people do you know who get to do this?’! It’s so crazy.
Nuka: What do you enjoy most when you aren’t performing or working on your music?
Beckii: I just like kicking back with my friends. Like lots of teenagers, I spend hours on Skype and Twitter. We have a great laugh, and it’s fantastic I can still have a social life while having a career as well.
Nuka: What was it like to become so popular so quickly? Was it exhilarating? Scary? Shocking? Or was it a combination?
Beckii: I think you have said it all. It was all of those things at once! You don’t know what is coming next, so you just have to sort of go with it. My parents have looked out for me though, which is great. I’ve made a few mistakes in the past, but we learn from our experiences, and that’s what keeps me going!
Nuka: What performers, musicians, or personalities do you admire or look up to and why?
Beckii: I am big into Eminem, he’s inspiring on a great number of levels, and his lyrics are just outstanding.
Nuka: If you were not a performer what career would you most want?
Beckii: Right now as I said before, I am undecided as to what the future might look like. The last year has really changed my view on the world. I don’t think I could have a normal job now! Hopefully I can continue working in some part of the media industry, but I’ll have to see what opportunities arise!
Nuka: And lastly, here’s a tough one for you: How would you like to be remembered?
Beckii: Definitely a tough one! Probably as someone who made people smile, and inspired people to enjoy what they do, because you never know what might come of it.
If you’re interested in Beckii Cruel and would like to know more about her or simply view any of her work then here are a few of her Official links to help you out:
She even has her own personal website.
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